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“a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals (Encyclopedia of New Venture Management).  OR:  how get all the things you need to do done!

Tips for More Effective Personal Time Management

All the stuff your parents and teachers told you, gathered into one place!

Penn State Time Management

REALLY detailed recommendations!

Cornell Time Management

Planning forms for the day, the week, the semester – however obsessive you want to get, they can accommodate!

Term Paper Wizard

Got a paper to write, but don’t know how to schedule your time?  This dandy site lets you put in the subject area and due date, and then gives you a calendar of when you should do what, with helpful explanations of what the “what” entails.  Brought to you by the friendly folks at University of Arkansas.

Academic Coaching

And don’t forget, you can get personalized individual assistance from academic coaches in the Center for Academic Excellence.  To check their services, look at  https://www.drew.edu/academic-services/academic-coaching, and to make an appointment, go to http://www.drew.mywconline.com.  They’ll help you organize your time & plan your semester’s work, and cheer you through the whole process!

* Warning: browsing reference sources can be timely!

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