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End of the Semester: Study Tips

Our most important study tip: use the Center for Academic Excellence. Also:

EndNote Basic (formerly Endnote Web)

Export citations from databases, organize your sources and then format your in-text citations and bibliographies according to the style your prof requires.

Study Tips

Okay, so it’s the week before the exam, and you haven’t started prepping yet?

Learning and Memory:  A Comprehensive Reference

Does that adrenalin rush from waiting until the last minute really help you learn better?  Find out here!
Reference BF318 .L3854

Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology

Have you heard the one about the student and the professor?  Look at the positive effects of humor, meditation, and positive self-talk.
Reference BF 204.6 .E53

Encyclopedia of Stress

The whys and wherefores of that common experience and coping with it.
Reference BF 575 .S75 E52

Stress Recess

Aaaaaaaagggghhh!  Stressed out?  UTexas has a great site to help you deal with (and maybe reduce) your stress levels.

And last but not least . . .

Dealing with Procrastination

Putting off coping with procrastination?  Here’s a site on how to recognize it, how to deal with it.  Now’s the time . . .  http://www.cmhc.utexas.edu/stressrecess/index.html

* Warning: browsing reference books can give you a boost!

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