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Library GraffitiNever doubt that a small group of thoughtfully committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. ---- Margaret Mead

Earth Day origins

Read how Gaylord Nelson, Democratic senator and governor from Wisconsin, helped create Earth Day and ultimately inspired environmental activists in:  Man from Clear Lake : Earth Day Founder Senator Gaylord Nelson.

Earth Day Network

Discover the history, current campaigns, programs and more resources from the organization that started it all.

Encyclopedia of Earth

Expert-reviewed information about the Earth.  For everyone.

#Adopt the Planet

As part of Earth Day 2017, NASA invites you to virtually adopt a piece of the Earth – enter your name as an “adopter” of record and NASA will provide you with information about your piece of the planet.

NJ Environment & Natural Resources

Rutgers’ New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) supports programs designed to sustainably manage NJ’s natural resources. See what they’re up to at

The Ends of the Earth

Concerned about climate change and global warming and how it may impact our own Jersey Shore? Educate yourself by reading “Climate Change in the Arctic” in Antarctica and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth's Polar Regions.

Encyclopedia of Sustainability

The Encyclopedia of Sustainability comprises three volumes: environment and ecology, business and economics, and equity and fairness. Each volume provides authoritative but accessible coverage of basic concepts and terms, as well as policy initiatives, controversies, and future trends.
Library Level C, in print: Reference GE10 .C65 2010

* Warning: Using Library Resources may bring you down to earth!

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